Pain-Free, Hair-Free shatters the myth of no-pain, no-gain. The system's SHR technology and IN Motion protocol safely and gently heats the targeted area. SHR's pulses of energy gradually heat the follicles in the skin's sub dermal layer. An additional cooling mechanism further ensures the surface of your skin stays cool and comfortable throughout your treatment.
Most people find the Pain-Free, Hair-Free comfortable. While pain tolerance is subjective, many patients describe it as soothing and like a, "Hot stone massage." Most conventional laser hair removal technologies utilize massive amounts of heat to destroy hair follicles. Pain-Free, Hair-Free SHR, on the other hand, is a unique technology that delivers low heat levels at a fast delivery. By utilizing low heat, SHR decreases the pain and minimizes the risk of side effects. This is why no numbing cream is necessary. You've heard horror stories about burns, blistering and scaring? The SHR removal treatment can make them a thing of the past! Best of all, the high speed of SHR delivery creates a short treatment; 5 to 15 minutes on a small body part and 20 to 30 minutes on the average man's back.